Friday, July 15, 2005


Just some random thoughts for the end of the week

-Found my keys yesterday. I am not going to tell you where since it was like the first, second, and third place I looked, but still did not see them. Okay, I will tell you-in my car. Actually in Julia's car seat. So the whole time I was driving around combing the streets for my keys she was sitting on them. I think she didn't tell me on purpose :)

- Saw "War of the Worlds" last night and it has been a long time since a movie has stressed me out. My ass actually hurt when we left since I was tensing every muscle in my body. Tom Cruise really didn't have to memorize any lines for this one, which made it ok :) It is just becomes unbelievable when he gets himself out of every situation that deals with huge, mean, killing aliens. He is 5'4 for godsakes! Anyway, when I got home I told Jon that I will be digging us a basement starting next week :)

- It is so freaking hot here! As we Californians like to call "earthquake weather". No breeze, still, stale air. So my thanks goes out to whoever invented central air :)

- So excited about Harry Potter book 6 coming out tomorrow. If I wasn't so tired I would be waiting in line at midnight tonight. The last book left so many questions that I look forward to getting some answers. So you all know what I will be doing this weekend :)

- And yes the morning sickness has started. Hopefully that is just today though. Ginger Ale is my best friend right now. I look forward to craving cheeseburgers one of these days :)

Well I hope you all have a great Friday! Weekend here we come!
