Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Story

I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to hear Samantha's birth story, but some of you have said that you would like to know. I really honestly had such a good experience that I feel like I could do it again (don't worry Jon we won't) Julia was a difficult birth since I was induced and she just didn't feel like coming out. She was vacuumed out, I had a fever, and, she was "sunny side up". I was super afraid that Samantha was going to be hard, but it turned out to be the complete opposite. So here is my story :)

I was supposed to be induced on March 16th and I was counting down the days. I had a doctor's appointment on March 13th and I was only 1 cm dilated and he was going to "strip my membranes". He ended up not being able to, but for some reason I think her did something because 2 hours after my appointment I started to have really bad cramps. I couldn't even stand up straight when I went to pick Julia up from school. I called Jon to have him come home and when he did I took a nap. When I woke up my cramps were gone. Jon went and got dinner and we started to eat. In the middle of eating I had 4 HUGE contractions about 3 min apart and then they didn't stop. I called my doctor and asked him what to since I did not go naturally go into labor with Julia I had no idea. He told me to go to the hospital and he would meet me there. When I got to the hospital I was 2 cm dilated so they checked me in since I was in active labor. I contracted till I was given something to go to sleep. When I woke up the next morning my contractions and pain were gone.

I totally freaked out because I thought for sure they were going to send me home since I was not having anymore contractions. The doctor came in and said that I had dilated to almost 3 cm so they were going to give me pitocin and get me going. I was so happy! As my contractions started to get stronger I really was in no pain. The doctor told me to get an epidural anyway just in case so I did. Around 7 pm they were going to break my water since I was having a hard time dilating past 4 cm, but within 20 min of waiting for the doctor to come back, my water broke. After that it took 2 1/2 hours to go from 4 to 10 cm. My contractions got pretty strong after my water broke and I had this nurse who taught natural child birth. She was so awesome! She basically talked me through my contractions and I kinda went into a sleep mode, which relaxed me so much that when I was ready to push it took 8 times. She actually had to tell me to wait to push because they couldn't find my doctor. But he came just in time and Samantha came into this world on March 14th at 10:23 pm. She hardly made a peep and still is very mellow like that. So in total I was in labor for 12 hours which is nothing compared to the 27 I was with Julia. I am so happy that my last time giving birth was so awesome because I will remember it that way :)

Thanks for reading this. I am glad I shared :)
