Number of people in this house that have thrown up: 3
Number of people with the problem in the other end:1
Number times being barfed on: 8
Number of times barf in my hair : 3
Number of times I had barf on my back :1
Number of times I have changed our sheets :3
Number of times I have changed Sam's: 2
Number of loads of laundry I have done: 6
Number of loads of laundry left to do: 8,786
Number of gallons of 7-up: 2
Number of times I thought I was going puked myself to death: 3
Number of times I have plotted against the family at day camp who brought their kid with the plague: 1
Number of pages of Harry Potter read : 156
Friday, July 20, 2007
Yow Know When...
You know when you are a total mom when you are driving alone (in a mini van I might add) and you are blasting your daughter's Hannah Montana CD. The kicker- you know all the words :)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I know I know I suck so bad at this blogging thing
Ok so its been a long ass time. I know. I feel bad. I feel even worse that I really have nothing new and exciting to talk about. Which then makes me sad cause it means I have no life :) But then it could also mean that things are so good that nothing to talk about is good? Either way I should at least be updating my blog every once and a while. I am sure I have lost most of my readers do to the fact that the last two posts have been pictures :) They are good pictures though.
Today I am getting my IUD. A little nervous. And I am having issues with the fact that they wanted to do it while I was on my period and so my thought is how am I going to be sitting on the table with nothing but a paper gown and nothing on protecting the mess down there. Yes that might be WAY too much info, but I am a girl and most of you are girls so I bet you would think the same thing. So anyway that is happening today. No kids for me for 5 years and I am totally ok with that.
Alright well there you have it. My VERY boring life and now you all know that I am on my period :) So what is going on with you? Please tell me!!
Today I am getting my IUD. A little nervous. And I am having issues with the fact that they wanted to do it while I was on my period and so my thought is how am I going to be sitting on the table with nothing but a paper gown and nothing on protecting the mess down there. Yes that might be WAY too much info, but I am a girl and most of you are girls so I bet you would think the same thing. So anyway that is happening today. No kids for me for 5 years and I am totally ok with that.
Alright well there you have it. My VERY boring life and now you all know that I am on my period :) So what is going on with you? Please tell me!!
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