Friday, November 05, 2004


So we are actually going somewhere tomorrow! Yeah I get to get out of this place for a weekend. I think that when you stay at home a trip to the next town is a cause for a celebration. I am just looking forward to seeing the family and hanging out. Not to mention that my MIL is babysitting on Sunday night so we can go and have dim sum. I have been so good on my diet this whole week so that I can stuff myself with those little wrapped bundles of pork! Yummy!

Today I did the typical $100 (actually $126-shhh don't tell the husband) trip to Target. I actually have not been there for about a month so I made up for lost time! Man I love a store where you can get diet coke, wrapping paper, panties, and a new outfit all in one place. I just wish we had one of those Target Super Centers that has a whole grocery store in it. I would just pack my bags and move there :)

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for reading!
