Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Nothing much

So Julia and I checked out her future preschool today. It is totally brand new and clean- I loved it! Now it will take my husband some convincing, but I am sure I can do it :) Julia also loved it so much that she didn't want to leave. I guess we will have to see- I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Other than that- nothing much else going on. I have been super tired lately and kinda grumpy. I have no clue why? I am not pregnant- at least I don't think so. I think it is because it is so hot here that I am bored, which would make my cranky. Maybe it is also because my kid is going through a throwing of her toys stage and it always seems to be right at my head! Oh well, I am sure I will get over it :)

Well I promise to have more for you all. Thanks for reading though :)
